


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-08 21:38:29


1. 指事字:这种字是通过图形表示它所代表的事物。例如,日、月、人、口、山等。这些字的形状和实际的物体非常相似。

2. 形声字:这种字由一个“形”和一个“声”组成。形通常是指关于它的意义,而声则表示其发音。例如,“青”由“靑”和“音”组成,其中“靑”表示颜色,“音”表示音节。

3. 假借字:这种字是由一个已有的字的发音衍生而来的。例如,“葡萄”中的“葡”原本是波斯语中的“grape”,而“萄”则表示它的形状。

4. 会意字:这种字是由两个或多个指事字组合而成的。例如,“心”和“手”组合成“忙”,表示手和心都很忙碌。

5. 象形字:这种字是由物体的形状或特征所构成的。例如,“马”就是根据马的形状所构成的。


Chinese Characters' Formation Methods and Examples

Chinese characters are a treasure of Chinese culture, and their formation methods can be traced back to ancient times. Here are some of the ways Chinese characters are formed and some examples:

1. Pictogram: This kind of character represents the meaning of the character through its shape. For example, 日 (sun), 月 (moon), 人 (person), 口 (mouth), and 山 (mountain). These characters are very similar in shape to the actual object they represent.

2. Phonetic-semantic compound: This kind of character consists of a 'form' and a 'sound'. The form usually represents the meaning of the character, while the sound represents its pronunciation. For example, 青 (green) is composed of 靑 (the form) and 音 (the sound), where 靑 represents the color, and 音 represents the sound.

3. Loan character: This kind of character is derived from the pronunciation of an existing character. For example, the character 葡 (grape) in 葡萄 (grape) originally comes from the Persian word 'grape', while 萄 (the second character) represents its shape.

4. Associative compound: This kind of character is formed by combining two or more pictograms. For example, the characters 心 (heart) and 手 (hand) combine to form 忙 (busy), which represents both the hand and the heart being busy.

5. Ideogram: This kind of character is formed by the shape or feature of the object it represents. For example, 馬 (horse) is formed based on the shape of a horse.




