


来源 :华课网校 2024-08-04 06:19:32



A的歌曲是“Apple, apple, a, a, a,I can eat an apple every day。”

B的歌曲是“Bouncing, bouncing, B, B, B,The ball is bouncing on the ground。”

C的歌曲是“Climbing, climbing, C, C, C,The cat is climbing up the tree。”

D的歌曲是“Dancing, dancing, D, D, D,I love to dance with my friends。”

E的歌曲是“Eating, eating, E, E, E,I am eating my favorite food。”

F的歌曲是“Flying, flying, F, F, F,The bird is flying in the sky。”

G的歌曲是“Galloping, galloping, G, G, G,The horse is galloping fast。”

H的歌曲是“Hopping, hopping, H, H, H,The rabbit is hopping in the grass。”

I的歌曲是“Ice cream, ice cream, I, I, I,I love to eat ice cream in summer。”

J的歌曲是“Jumping, jumping, J, J, J,I am jumping up and down。”

K的歌曲是“Kicking, kicking, K, K, K,I am kicking the ball with my feet。”

L的歌曲是“Laughing, laughing, L, L, L,I am laughing with my family。”

M的歌曲是“Marching, marching, M, M, M,We are marching in the parade。”

N的歌曲是“Nodding, nodding, N, N, N,I am nodding my head to say yes。”

O的歌曲是“Open, open, O, O, O,I am opening the door to my house。”

P的歌曲是“Playing, playing, P, P, P,I love to play with my toys。”

Q的歌曲是“Quiet, quiet, Q, Q, Q,I am being quiet in the library。”

R的歌曲是“Running, running, R, R, R,I am running in the park”。

S的歌曲是“Singing, singing, S, S, S,I love to sing my favorite song。”

T的歌曲是“Talking, talking, T, T, T,I am talking to my friend on the phone。”

U的歌曲是“Umbrella, umbrella, U, U, U,I am using an umbrella in the rain。”

V的歌曲是“Vacation, vacation, V, V, V,I am going on a vacation with my family。”

W的歌曲是“Walking, walking, W, W, W,I am walking to the park”。

X的歌曲是“X-ray, x-ray, X, X, X,The doctor is using an x-ray machine。”

Y的歌曲是“Yawning, yawning, Y, Y, Y,I am yawning because I am sleepy。”

Z的歌曲是“Zipping, zipping, Z, Z, Z,I am zipping my coat to keep warm。”





